About Us
Light The Way Missing Persons Advocacy Project began in 2021 as a passion project by advocates who were looking to make a change in the missing persons community. By 2022, it evolved into a victim-centered volunteer organization dedicated to reuniting missing persons with their loved ones, fostering positive relationships between families and law enforcement and advocating tirelessly for victims of unresolved cases, missing individuals and their families.
Light The Way also highlights the “My Reason” campaign, which is dedicated to bringing awareness to the stories of child abuse and to vulnerable children who have been failed by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families.
At Light The Way, we pride ourselves on our ability to bridge the gap between the families of missing persons and law enforcement through collaboration with members of police departments, sheriff’s offices, and the FBI. By working alongside law enforcement, we provide families and loved ones with additional information regarding the facts and circumstances of a disappearance, which in turn provides much needed comfort and understanding for loved ones.
Our Light The Way team offers a wide variety of services including but not limited to:
organizing successful advocacy and awareness campaigns such as:
assisting in planning candlelight vigils
coordinating authorized community volunteer searches
spearheading fundraising events for reward funds
planning in person community gatherings
initiating and maintaining social media campaigns
connecting families with media outlets
creating flyers, billboards and websites for missing persons awareness
utilizing a wide range of special abilities in open source investigation techniques
Here at Light The Way, our focus remains on helping people and making changes in the world. We invite volunteers to join us as we LIGHT THE WAY home for the missing and work together to bring the missing home and provide their loved ones the answers they deserve.
"When I see someone going through a storm of hurt and unfairness, of anger and sadness... when the sun disappears and the skies grow dark... and I see fear... I ask myself, "What can I do to help let the light back in?" I put my hands on my heart and listen. And that is where I find the answer: I have compassion. I act with tenderness. I am love."
- Susan Verde